Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Election season nears to a close...

How many times in the past two weeks have you heard the phrase "Paid for by ... " on TV or radio? My guess is that it's a lot. Unless of course you're so fed up with the elections that you press the "mute" button as soon as the commercials come on.  But soon the political ads will come to an end. If you haven't voted yet, it's time to check the boxes on your ballot.

Here are a few tips before you do that, though.
* Question what you hear on the TV and radio advertisements. Misinformation and misinterpretation are abundant this year in the political attack ads.

* Don't rely on one source of information when you are choosing which candidates to vote for. Google their names, visit their websites (almost all candidates have their own, personalized campaign websites), read news stories about them, watch YouTube videos of them, and if you have questions call their campaign offices. I know this may seem time consuming, but if I've learned anything during this election, it's the importance of being informed.

* Don't forget to take some time to check out the third party and Independent/Unaffiliated candidates.

* Read your blue book! It's easy to understand and very helpful for ballot questions. It's written by the Colorado Legislative Council and they have done a great job researching the effects the initiatives would have on state government and taxpayers. My favorite part is that it has an "Opponents say..." and "Proponents say ..." section for each initiative.

* Personally, I'm waiting until the end of the month to check my boxes because you never know what skeletons might be discovered hiding in these candidates' closets... After all, it is Halloween season!

Here are some useful resources:
Secretary of State election information
Aurora election information
Aurora Sentinel Voter's Guide

Vote smart!!!

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